Glow Orthodontics Guide to: Can You Chew Gum With Braces?

Glow Orthodontics Guide to: Can You Chew Gum With Braces?

Many people wonder if they can enjoy gum while wearing braces. Chewing gum with braces is possible, focusing on sugar-free options like Orbit and Trident. This blog will guide you on choosing the right gum and managing its impact on your braces effectively.

Can You Chew Gum With Braces?

chew gum with braces

Yes, you can chew gum with braces, but it must be the right kind. Sugar-free gums like Orbit and Trident are good choices. These types do not stick to orthodontic appliances as much as others.

Orthodontists often suggest chewing sugar-free gum for a short time after appointments to help ease discomfort.

Knowing which gum is safe for braces matters. Chewing the wrong type can lead to issues such as tooth decay and damage to your braces. Next, let’s explore how chewing gum affects those with braces specifically.

The Impact of Chewing Gum on Braces

chew gum with braces

Chewing gum with braces can lead to several problems. Brackets and wires easily get damaged when you chew gum. This damage may cause delays in your orthodontic treatment. Sticky gum can also stick to the braces, making it hard to clean your teeth properly.

Poor cleaning increases the risk of cavities and impacts oral health negatively.

Gum that is not sugar-free poses an extra threat by feeding harmful bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria produce acids that can weaken tooth enamel and lead to decay around brackets.

Sugar-free gums like Orbit, Trident, Dentyne Ice, and Eclipse are better choices because they reduce this risk. Even so, chewing gum should be done carefully if you have braces.

Now let’s explore the types of gum suitable for people with braces.

Types of Gum for People With Braces

chew gum with braces

Choose sugar-free and non-sticky gum when you have braces. To learn more, keep reading!

Sugar-Free Gum

Sugar-free gum is a good option for people with braces. Chewing sugar-free gum can help increase saliva production, which protects your teeth by washing away food particles and reducing acid that can cause tooth decay.

Brands like Orbit, Trident, Dentyne Ice, and Eclipse make gums that use sugar substitutes such as xylitol or sorbitol instead of regular sugar. These ingredients don’t stick to braces as much, making them safer options.

Orthodontists often recommend these kinds of gums because they can also ease discomfort after adjustments. Chewing on a piece of sugar-free gum for short periods might help relieve pain after orthodontic visits.

Plus, it keeps your breath fresh without risking damage to your dental work or promoting cavities.

Non-sticky Gum

Chewing non-sticky gum can be a safe choice for people with braces. This type of gum doesn’t stick to dental braces, wires, or brackets. Non-sticky gums like Orbit and Trident are recommended by dentists.

They help increase saliva flow which cleans the mouth and reduces the risk of cavities. These gums also don’t pull on braces which can cause damage or discomfort.

Next, let’s talk about the risks involved when you chew gum while wearing braces.

Risks of Chewing Gum with Braces

chew gum with braces

Chewing gum with braces can cause damage, such as broken brackets or wires, and compromise the overall treatment. The sticky nature of gum can also get caught in braces, making it hard to remove and increasing the risk of cavities and decay.

Additionally, chewing gum can create excessive saliva production, leading to discomfort and potential tooth erosion over time. It’s essential to be cautious about what you chew while wearing braces to prevent complications and maintain good oral health throughout orthodontic treatment.

Tips for Managing Chewing Gum with Braces

To manage chewing gum with braces:

– Keep up with regular dental checkups.

– Use proper cleaning tools to maintain oral hygiene.

Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental checkups are crucial for maintaining good oral health, especially for those with braces. These appointments allow the orthodontist to make necessary adjustments and provide guidance on effective cleaning techniques tailored toward braces.

It’s important to note that regular checkups also offer an opportunity to address any emerging issues promptly and ensure the best possible outcome for orthodontic treatments.

To manage your oral hygiene effectively, consistent dental appointments play a vital role in ensuring proper care and maintenance of your braces.

Proper Cleaning Tools

To keep your braces clean, use an orthodontic toothbrush, water pick, floss threader, or superfloss. These tools help you clean around the braces effectively and prevent issues like cavities and gum disease.

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is crucial for long-term dental health.

Alternatives to Chewing Gum

Looking for alternatives? How about trying mints or sugarless candies?


Mints can be a great alternative to chewing gum when wearing braces. Like sugar-free gum, they provide a refreshing burst of flavor and help combat bad breath. Many mint brands are also offered in sugar-free options, making them suitable for those with braces.

Choosing mints over gum can reduce the risk of getting it stuck in your braces, which could lead to complications or damage. It’s important to explore different options and educate yourself about the benefits of choosing mints instead of gum while wearing braces.

When exploring alternatives to chewing gum with braces, consider the advantages that mints offer as a fresh breath option. Mints come in various flavors and styles, including sugar-free varieties that are safe for individuals with orthodontic devices.

By opting for mints over traditional gum, you can minimize the risks associated with potential dental issues related to chewing sticky substances while maintaining fresh breath throughout the day.

Sugarless Candies

Transitioning from mints to sugarless candies, it’s important to consider alternatives that are gentle on braces. Sugarless candies can provide a satisfying treat without the risk of damaging orthodontic work.

When choosing sugarless candies, opt for options sweetened with xylitol or erythritol. These help reduce the risk of tooth decay and cavities, promoting better oral health in individuals undergoing orthodontic treatment.

It is advisable to select sugar-free candies that do not stick to teeth or braces, reducing the potential for plaque buildup and gum irritation. With proper care and attention to dental hygiene, enjoying sugarless candies can be a safe and enjoyable way to satisfy cravings while wearing braces.


Chewing gum with braces can be done, but it requires caution and using sugar-free gum. Opt for softer gums and remove it before eating. Remember to maintain excellent oral hygiene and have regular checkups with your orthodontist. Educate yourself about the risks and explore alternatives.